- 1954 - born in Barovoye village, Minsk region, Belarus 1965 - 1972 – studied at Belarusian Republican school of Music and Arts, Minsk;
- 1972 - 1978 - studied at Belarusian State Institute of Art and Theatre (now Belarusian State Academy of Arts), Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting, Minsk, Belarus;
- 1980 - 1984 - post-graduate studies at BSIAT (now Belarusian State Academy of Arts), Minsk, Belarus;
- 1986 - member of the Belarusian Union of Artists;
- 1988 - awarded with the 1-st Degree Diploma of the Belarusian Union of Artists for the Participation the exhibition “The Youth of the Republic“, Belarus;
- Since 1994 - works as a Senior teacher of the Department of Painting of Belarusian Academy of Arts, Minsk, Belarus;
- 1997 - Grand Prix of the Second International Mark Chagal Pleine-Air.
His works are at the funds of the National Art Museum, Minsk, Belarus; Ministry of Culture, Russia; Ministry of Culture, Belarus; Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia; the Belarusian Union of Artists, Russian Union of Artists; in private collections in Belarus, England, Germany, Israel, the USA, France, Russia, the Netherlands, Poland,Slovenia, Yugoslavia.